
Community Health

Voces de Medicaid



In January 2018, El Centro joined Community Catalyst in their Community Voices of Medicaid initiative (https://www.communitycatalyst.org/resources/tools/community-voices-for-medicaid-2021).

An outcome of this project has been that our Latino community is informed about the Medicaid program and does not miss the opportunity and benefits it can provide. Each person is different with different health needs and Medicaid helps ensure that all in our community has access to health services and through that, better health outcomes.

To reach our Latino community with information about Medicaid, Marketplace, Medicare, and other public benefits we launched our ¡Inscríbase! (Get Enrolled) project! This project is a combination of education and outreach about Medicaid, other coverage, and public benefits provided by our Promotoras de Salud Program and bilingual enrollment assistance for benefits offered through our Health Navigation Program. Since the implementation of the project, we have offered virtual and in-person classes conducted by our Medicaid Ambassadors. We have published various infographics, news updates, and more on our Facebook page and in our local bilingual newspaper 2Más2. We have made several educational videos with our Health Navigators and Enrollment Specialists to let people know about various Medicaid topics, such as Medicaid for seniors with Medicare or applying for coverage for those with disabilities. This project has been important to our work in providing the community with the information they need, as seen in this video below:

Subtitled in English

Subtitled in Spanish


Our Voces de Medicaid initiative not only focuses on informing and educating the community about Medicaid, but also raises the voices of people impacted by the program. We do this by talking with people in the community about their experience with Medicaid and telling their stories in our Voces de Medicaid (Voices of Medicaid) storybooks. By listening to others, one learns more, and our storybooks is packed with much to learn! Click below to start reading each edition:

First Edition (2020)

Second Edition (2021)

Third Edition (2022)

Fourth Edition (2023)

Fifth Edition (2024)


Since January 2020, a Public Health Emergency (PHE) was declared due to the COVID-19 pandemic. One part of the PHE extended coverage provided by Medicaid, by not requiring annual renewals or un-enrolling members. While this has had a positive impact in communities by ensuring coverage during a time when many need it the most, it has created concern about what will happen when the PHE ends and people either lose their coverage or have to renew again. Many have “aged out” of their coverage, moved and have not updated their new address, or are not aware of the renewal process.

To help inform the community about the upcoming PHE unwinding, El Centro’s Health Navigation Program created a series of PSA videos. The videos use clear language to help families understand what the unwinding will mean for them and educate them about what actions they can take to be proactive. The videos are available for download and the script is available as well, so other organizations can share or create their own messaging to inform their communities. If we all work together to get the message out now, we can help prevent millions of Latinos and others from losing their health coverage!

¿Has cambiado de direción?

¿Hay otras opciones de cobertura?

¿Cómo es el proceso de renovación?

¿Qué piden para comprobar los ingresos?

¿Hay ayuda para renovar mi cobertura?


Since October 1st, 2013, El Centro has provided enrollment assistance with health coverage offered through the Marketplace through bilingual Certified Application Counselors. In 2021, El Centro additionally began to offer education and outreach about the Marketplace, having a full-time bilingual Marketplace Navigator in collaboration with Kansas CARES through Thrive Allen County (http://kansascares.org/). This additional education and enrollment assistance offers our Latino community other coverage options, especially as more families qualify for coverage with changes to the Marketplace and the credits available to help afford coverage.

¿Qué es el Mercado de Seguros Médicos?

¿Por qué debemos tener seguro médico en los Estados Unidos?

¿Cómo me inscribo en el Mercado de Seguros Médicos?

¿Quién es eligible para un plan en el Mercado de Seguros Médicos?

¿Cuándo se puede inscribir en el Mercado de Seguros Médicos?

Kansas CARES Navigator: Marketplace Infomercial