Black Lives Matter!
As a Latino mother, raising three young adults, leading a Latino serving organization, I am heartbroken as I reflect over the past two weeks. Processing my feelings not because of the continued injustice and unrest in our country, but for the continued disregard of…
Learn about El Centro’s Efforts During Covid-19
El Centro is proud to play an active role in softening the impact of the current pandemic by helping the Latino community. Learn about our efforts during Covid-19 and join us! Over 8,500 people fed 220 applications for unemployment, SNAP or Kancare benefits Utility…
El Centro News
Covid 19: Acciones para mantener la seguridad de los clientes y personal de El Centro Inc.
Estamos tomando pasos importantes para su seguridad y la nuestra durante la pandemia. www.elcentroinc.comFacebook: @ElCentroKCTwitter: @ElCentroIncInstagram: @elcentroinc Nuestra mision es fortalecer las comunidades y mejorar la vida de los Latinos y demás habitantes...
Black Lives Matter!
Como madre latina, criando a tres jóvenes adultos, dirigiendo una organización de servicio para los latinos, estoy desconsolada mientras reflexiono en las últimas dos semanas. Estoy procesando mis sentimientos, no por la continua injusticia y los disturbios en nuestro...
Learn about El Centro’s Efforts During Covid-19
El Centro se siente orgulloso de jugar un papel importante para contrarrestar el impacto de la pandemia que atravesamos actualmente al ayudar a la comunidad Latina. ¡Conoce más sobre nuestras iniciativas durante el Covid-19 y únete a nosotros! Más de 8,500 personas...
Black Lives Matter!
As a Latino mother, raising three young adults, leading a Latino serving organization, I am heartbroken as I reflect over the past two weeks. Processing my feelings not because of the continued injustice and unrest in our country, but for the continued disregard of...
Learn about El Centro’s Efforts During Covid-19
El Centro is proud to play an active role in softening the impact of the current pandemic by helping the Latino community. Learn about our efforts during Covid-19 and join us! Over 8,500 people fed 220 applications for unemployment, SNAP or Kancare benefits Utility...
Go Green to Get Green – Free Career Training
Go Green to Get Green Free Career Training Program Four week certification training program for environmentally-focused "green" careers in the Kansas City Area.
El Centro celebra su designación como Centro de Bienvenida para familias latinas.
La celebración inicia a las 10 a.m. e incluirá la feria de servicios y recursos, actividades culturales, demostraciones de cocina saludable en 650 Minnesota, KCK.
Cultural Celebration & Resource Fair, September 28
El Centro will hold a cultural celebration and resource fair on Saturday, September 28 beginning at 10 a.m. at El Centro at 650 Minnesota Avenue, KCK
We’re Excited to Announce Our New CPO, Erica Andrade
We're Excited to Announce Our New CPO, our very own Erica Andrade! As El Centro continues our strategy of growth and expansion of services for our community, we are excited to share Erica Andrade, Health Navigation Manager, has been promoted to our Chief Program...
Families affected by ICE policies
The Jamal family of Lawrence, KS, and the Avelica family of Los Angeles come together to share their stories of their fathers being detained by ICE.